Paragraph: Text

The WYSIWYG editor is used to enter formatted text. The formatting is visible while writing.


Use the "Text" Paragraph type to create an introductory or any other text blocks. On the front page of your website this could be a brief description of your organization or your project.

You can make text bold or italic. You can create links or create lists:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • ...

Lists can be ordered too:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. ...

Different styles can be applied as well:

H2 Title for the main title

H3 Title for the subtitle

H4 Title for the subsubtitle


Use the "Text" Paragraph type to create an introductory or any other text blocks. On the front page of your website this could be a brief description of your organization or your project.

You can make text bold or italic. You can create links or create lists:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • ...

Lists can be ordered too:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. ...

Different styles can be applied as well:

H2 Title for the main title

H3 Title for the subtitle

H4 Title for the subsubtitle


Use the "Text" Paragraph type to create an introductory or any other text blocks. On the front page of your website this could be a brief description of your organization or your project.

You can make text bold or italic. You can create links or create lists:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • ...

Lists can be ordered too:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. ...

Different styles can be applied as well:

H2 Title for the main title

H3 Title for the subtitle

H4 Title for the subsubtitle

Tabellen einfügen

Über den WYSIWYG Editor lassen sich auch Tabellen als Inhalt einfügen. Durch verschiedene Optionen können sowohl der Look als auch das responsive Verhalten (mit Einschränkungen) angepasst werden.

Spalte 1 Spalte 2 Spalte 3
Wert 1 Argument 1 125
Wert 2 Argument 2 250
Wert 3 Argument 3 375
Wert 4 Argument 4 500
Wert 5 Argument 5 625
Wert 6 Argument 6 750