Make your site multilingual without extensive translation processes.
Enable another language and use TMGMT to manage translation jobs and gain an overview of progress.
CHF 1'500
CHF 15
The prices above are per language.
Step by step adding another language
Add languages invisibly to the system
Preparing content with translations
Activate language in language switch
Language switcher
The menu is extended by a language selection with text links or a dropdown language menu with symbols.
Translation Management Tool
Next generation translation processes are part of the Translation Management Tool (TMGMT).
It offers a system-wide overview of translatable elements and allows the individual selection to be placed efficiently in translation jobs as well as monitoring their progress.
Translation jobs can be assigned to users or delivered to professional translation service providers with just a few clicks.
Once the translation proposals have been received, they can be moderated as required and finally be published with one click.

Assigning to professional service providers
We are happy to consult you in the selection process of a translation service provider. Numerous providers are already integrated. Other providers can be connected additionally.
Assigning to professional service providers
We are happy to consult you in the selection process of a translation service provider. Numerous providers are already integrated. Other providers can be connected additionally.