During the processing of the donation, the environment is adapted to the chosen purpose.
1 - Contextual checkout with summary
The page consists of:
- A summary of the donation
- Purpose, type, interval, amount
- A link back to change it
- Mood based on the selected purpose
defined by specific fields- Title
- Hero / Teaser image
- Sidebar
e.g. with contact details, testimonial, certificates
- A reduced header and footer
- As few links as possible
- As little text as possible
- No CTAs
- Regions (setup configuration) can be hidden, but important blocks can still be kept visible.
2 - Choice of payment method
The means of payment must be selected first. This way, subsequent input fields can be prefilled by information given by the mean of payemnt (e.g. mobile).
3 - Contact information
The contact details (reduction to main channel e-mail with personal address) will be separated from the request for a complete postal address.
4 - Address information
Request the complete address information for the issue of the donation receipt.
5 - side column
The side column is optimally suited for static passive trust-building elements such as certificates and testimonials. They can vary depending on the purpose or purpose category.
They should support conversion (donation) and not distract from it.