Example: Large project

A company that wants to modernize the old, multilingual website with an event calendar and also needs an interface to a CRM.

On the front page, the company presents its most important services in a slideshow. The individual slides link directly to the service's overview pages. In addition, there is a list of the upcoming events that are connected to the company, and the five latest news about the company and projects are also displayed on the front.

The website is available in four languages: German, French, Italian and English. In addition, the website has its own design in line with the CI / CD of the company.

Numerous overview and detail pages give visitors an insight into the company and its services. For all services there are contact forms that connect the visitors with the responsible persons of the services. The contact forms are synchronized with the CRM of the company so that leads for marketing and communication can be collected and segmented.



from CHF 20'000


CHF 100



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